home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2 rem *** translated for the 64 by donns k. woody ***
- 3 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 4 poke53272,21:printchr$(8)
- 10 ll$="----------------------------------------":nn=55:goto499
- 20 poke781,q:poke782,w:sys65520:return
- 30 poke781,23:poke782,5:sys65520:print"[144]press <space bar> to continue"
- 31 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:return
- 40 printchr$(147):print"[144]academy awards - "xx$:printll$"":return
- 100 printchr$(147):input"to search: ";s$:n1=len(s$):c=0
- 110 ii=0:forl=1to6:ifss(l)=0then270
- 111 ifl=1thenvv=1
- 120 ht=0:fori=1tonn:jx=0:j=0:k=0:
- 130 q=1:w=0:gosub20:ix=i+1927:print"searching year "ix
- 140 ifi=1thenii=ii+1:vv=2:q=vv:w=0:gosub20:print"[144]-------"sx$(l)"-------"
- 150 onlgoto160,170,180,190,200,210
- 160 x$=movie$(i):goto220
- 170 x$=di$(i):goto220
- 180 x$=a1$(i):goto220
- 190 x$=a2$(i):goto220
- 200 x$=s1$(i):goto220
- 210 x$=s2$(i)
- 220 n2=len(x$):forj=1ton2-n1+1
- 230 ifmid$(x$,j,n1)=s$thengoto310
- 240 nextj
- 250 nexti
- 260 ifht=0thenii=ii+1:vv=vv+2:q=vv:w=0:gosub20:print"no ";sx$(l)
- 265 gosub30:printchr$(147):vv=2
- 270 nextl
- 300 return
- 310 ht=1:ii=ii+1:ifl=1thenvv=vv+1:goto320
- 315 vv=vv+2
- 320 q=vv:w=0:gosub20:ix=i+1927:printix;": ";x$
- 330 ifl=1andvv=20thengoto340
- 331 ifl>1andvv=20thengoto340
- 332 goto250
- 340 gosub30:printchr$(147):vv=2:q=vv:w=0:gosub20
- 350 print"[144]-------"sx$(l)"-------":goto250
- 499 dima$(13)
- 500 a$(1)="[169] [223][157][157][157] [146] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [146] [146]":rem a
- 505 a$(10)=" [157] [157] [157] [146]":rem l
- 510 a$(2)="[169] [157][157][157] [157] [157][146][223] [146]":rem c
- 515 a$(11)=" [157][157][157] [146][162][187][157][157][157] [162][146][190][157][157][157] [146]":rem f
- 520 a$(3)=" [223][157][157][157] [146] [157][157][157] [146] [157][157][157] [146][169]":rem d
- 525 a$(12)=" [157][157][157][146] [157][157][146] [157][157][146] [146]":rem t
- 530 a$(4)=" [157][157][157] [146][162][187][157][157][157] [162][146][190][157][157][157] [146]":rem e
- 535 a$(13)=" [223][146] [157][157][157][157] [223] [157][157][157][157] [146][223] [157][157][157][157] [146] [223] [146]":rem n
- 540 a$(5)=" [223][169] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] [146][223][169] [157][157][157][157] [146] [146]":rem m
- 550 a$(6)="[169] [157][157][157] [146][162][162][157][157][157][162][162] [157][157][157] [146][169]":rem s
- 560 a$(7)=" [146] [157][157][157][157] [146] [157][157][157][157] [169][223] [157][157][157][157][146][223][169][223][169]":rem w
- 570 a$(8)=" [146] [157][157][157][146][223][162][169][157][157][157] [157][157][146] [146]":rem y
- 575 a$(9)=" [223][157][157][157] [146] [157][157][157] [146][169][157][157][157] [146][223][223][146]":rem r
- 580 printchr$(147):poke53281,1
- 581 q=1:w=1:gosub20:print""a$(9);
- 582 q=1:w=5:gosub20:print"[144]"a$(4);
- 583 q=1:w=9:gosub20:print"[159]"a$(4);
- 584 q=1:w=13:gosub20:print"[156]"a$(10);
- 585 q=1:w=20:gosub20:print""a$(11);
- 586 q=1:w=24:gosub20:print"[158]"a$(1);
- 587 q=1:w=28:gosub20:print"[129]"a$(2);
- 588 q=1:w=32:gosub20:print"[149]"a$(12);
- 589 q=1:w=36:gosub20:print"[152]"a$(6)
- 590 q=6:w=6:gosub20:print""a$(1);
- 600 q=6:w=10:gosub20:print"[156]"a$(2);
- 610 q=6:w=14:gosub20:print""a$(1);
- 620 q=6:w=18:gosub20:print"[158]"a$(3);
- 630 q=6:w=22:gosub20:print"[149]"a$(4);
- 640 q=6:w=26:gosub20:print"[150]"a$(5);
- 650 q=6:w=31:gosub20:print"[153]"a$(8)
- 660 q=11:w=8:gosub20:print"[155]"a$(1);
- 670 q=11:w=12:gosub20:print"[154]"a$(7);
- 680 q=11:w=17:gosub20:print"[153]"a$(1);
- 690 q=11:w=21:gosub20:print"[152]"a$(9);
- 700 q=11:w=25:gosub20:print"[151]"a$(3);
- 710 q=11:w=29:gosub20:print"[149]"a$(6)
- 720 q=17:w=12:gosub20:print"[153]by charles brown"
- 730 q=20:w=1:gosub20:print"[155]translated for the 64 by donna k. woody"
- 740 q=23:w=5:gosub20:print"[144].........please wait........."
- 870 dimmovie$(nn),di$(nn),a1$(nn),a2$(nn),s1$(nn),s2$(nn)
- 880 fori=1tonn:readmovie$(i):next
- 890 fori=1tonn:readdi$(i):next
- 900 fori=1tonn:reada1$(i):next
- 910 fori=1tonn:reada2$(i):next
- 920 fori=1tonn:reads1$(i):next
- 930 fori=1tonn:reads2$(i):next
- 940 fori=1to6:readsx$(i):next
- 941 gosub30
- 950 printchr$(147)
- 955 poke53281,5:poke53280,1:printchr$(5)
- 960 q=4:w=13:gosub20: print"academy awards"
- 970 q=10:w=10:gosub20:print"[144]<s> search for a particular"
- 975 q=11:w=14:gosub20:print"word or name"
- 980 q=13:w=10:gosub20:print"[144]<l> list award winners by"
- 985 q=14:w=14:gosub20:print"category or year"
- 990 q=23:w=10:gosub20:print"[144]<*> to quit"
- 1000 q=18:w=14:gosub20:print"choice?[160]":poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 1010 ifa$="s"then1050
- 1020 ifa$="l"then1170
- 1030 ifa$="*"then1040
- 1035 goto1000
- 1040 printchr$(147):goto63000
- 1050 fori=1to6:ss(i)=0:nexti:ns=0
- 1060 printchr$(147):q=0:w=18:gosub20:print"search ":printll$
- 1070 q=4:w=3:gosub20:print"[144]<*> - exit"
- 1072 q=6:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]1 - movie"
- 1075 q=7:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]2 - director"
- 1077 q=8:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]3 - actor"
- 1080 q=9:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]4 - actress"
- 1082 q=10:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]5 - supporting actor"
- 1085 q=11:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]6 - supporting actress"
- 1090 q=23:w=3:gosub20:print"[144]<return> to run search"
- 1100 q=13:w=3:gosub20:print"file to search...";:poke198,0:wait198,1:getff$:print
- 1105 q=14:w=0:gosub20:print"files to be searched are..."
- 1110 ifasc(ff$)=13then1150
- 1120 ifff$="*"then950
- 1121 ifff$="1"then1140
- 1122 ifff$="2"then1140
- 1123 ifff$="3"then1140
- 1124 ifff$="4"then1140
- 1125 ifff$="5"then1140
- 1126 ifff$="6"then1140
- 1127 goto1100
- 1140 ff=val(ff$):ifss(ff)=1then1100
- 1141 ns=ns+1:ss(ff)=1:q=14+ns:w=0:gosub20:printsx$(ff)
- 1142 ifns>=6then1160
- 1144 goto1100
- 1150 ifns=0thenq=14:w=0:gosub20:print"you must choose a file ":goto1100
- 1160 gosub100:goto1050
- 1170 printchr$(147):q=0:w=19:gosub20:print"list":printll$
- 1175 q=4:w=3:gosub20:print"[144]<*> - exit"
- 1180 q=6:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]1 - movie"
- 1182 q=7:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]2 - director"
- 1185 q=8:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]3 - actor"
- 1190 q=9:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]4 - actress"
- 1192 q=10:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]5 - supporting actor"
- 1195 q=11:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]6 - supporting actress"
- 1200 q=12:w=4:gosub20:print"[144]7 - all winners for a particular"
- 1204 q=13:w=9:gosub20:print"year"
- 1206 q=18:w=3:gosub20:print"choice?[160]";:poke198,0:wait198,1:getff$:printff$
- 1210 ifff$="*"then950
- 1212 ifff$="1"then1240
- 1214 ifff$="2"then1260
- 1216 ifff$="3"then1280
- 1218 ifff$="4"then1300
- 1220 ifff$="5"then1320
- 1222 ifff$="6"then1340
- 1224 ifff$="7"then1360
- 1225 goto1206
- 1240 xx$="movie":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1250 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "movie$(i)
- 1252 ifi=19thengosub30:gosub40:goto1258
- 1254 ifi=37thengosub30:gosub40
- 1258 next:gosub30:goto1170
- 1260 xx$="director":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1270 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "di$(i)
- 1272 ifi=8thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1273 ifi=55thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1274 ifi=16thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1275 ifi=24thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1276 ifi=32thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1277 ifi=40thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1278 ifi=48thengosub30:gosub40:goto1279
- 1279 next:gosub30:goto1170
- 1280 xx$="actor":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1290 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "a1$(i)
- 1291 ifi=55thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1292 ifi=8thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1293 ifi=48thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1294 ifi=16thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1295 ifi=24thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1296 ifi=32thengosub30:gosub40:goto1298
- 1297 ifi=40thengosub30:gosub40
- 1298 next:goto1440
- 1300 xx$="actress":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1310 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "a2$(i)
- 1311 ifi=8thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1312 ifi=16thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1313 ifi=24thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1314 ifi=32thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1315 ifi=40thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1316 ifi=48thengosub30:gosub40:goto1318
- 1317 ifi=55thengosub30:gosub40
- 1318 next:gosub30:goto1170
- 1320 xx$="supporting actor":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1330 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "s1$(i)
- 1331 ifi=8thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1332 ifi=16thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1333 ifi=24thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1334 ifi=32thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1335 ifi=40thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1336 ifi=48thengosub30:gosub40:goto1338
- 1337 ifi=55thengosub30:gosub40
- 1338 next:gosub30:goto1170
- 1340 xx$="supporting actress":gosub40:yr=1927
- 1350 fori=1tonn:yr=yr+1:printyr": "s2$(i)
- 1351 ifi=8thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1352 ifi=16thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1353 ifi=24thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1354 ifi=32thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1355 ifi=40thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1356 ifi=48thengosub30:gosub40:goto1358
- 1357 ifi=55thengosub30:gosub40
- 1358 next:gosub30:goto1170
- 1360 q=20:w=0:gosub20:input"which year: [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";yr$
- 1364 yr=val(yr$):ifasc(yr$)<48then1170
- 1365 ifyr<1928thenq=23:w=0:gosub20:gosub1360
- 1366 ifyr>1927+nnthenq=23:w=0:gosub20:gosub1360
- 1370 i=yr-1927:printchr$(147):q=0:w=9:print"academy awards for "yr:printll$
- 1380 print"movie.......":print" "movie$(i)
- 1390 print:print"director....";di$(i)
- 1400 print:print"actor.......";a1$(i)
- 1410 print:print"actress.....";a2$(i)
- 1420 print:print"sup actor...";s1$(i)
- 1430 print:print"sup actress.";s2$(i)
- 1440 gosub30:goto1170
- 1450 vv=ii+3:ifvv>24thenvv=24
- 1460 return
- 11000 data"wings","the broadway melody","all quiet on the western front"
- 11010 data"cimarron","grand hotel","cavalcade","it happened one night"
- 11020 data"mutiny on the bounty","the great ziegfeld","the life of emile zola"
- 11030 data"you can't take it with you","gone with the wind","rebecca"
- 11040 data"how green was my valley","mrs. miniver","casablanca","going my way"
- 11050 data"the lost weekend","the best years of our lives"
- 11060 data"gentlemen's agreement","hamlet","all the king's men","all about eve"
- 11070 data"an american in paris","the greatest show on earth"
- 11080 data"from here to eternity","on the waterfront","marty"
- 11090 data"around the world in 80 days","the bridge on the river kwai","gigi"
- 11100 data"ben-hur","the apartment","west side story","lawrence of arabia"
- 11110 data"tom jones","my fair lady","the sound of music"
- 11120 data"a man for all seasons","in the heat of the night","oliver!"
- 11130 data"midnight cowboy","patton","the french connection","the godfather"
- 11140 data"the sting","the godfather, part ii"
- 11150 data"one flew over the cuckoo's nest","rocky","annie hall"
- 11160 data"the deer hunter","kramer vs. kramer","ordinary people"
- 11170 data"chariots of fire","ghandi"
- 12000 data"f. borzage (7th heaven) & l. milestone (2 arabian nights)"
- 12010 data"frank lloyd (the divine lady)"
- 12020 data"lewis milestone (all quite on the western front"
- 12030 data"norman taurog (skippy)"
- 12040 data"frank borzage (bad girl)"
- 12050 data"frank lloyd[160] (cavalcade)"
- 12060 data"frank capra (it happened one night)"
- 12070 data"john ford (the informer)"
- 12080 data"frank capra (mr. deeds goes to town)"
- 12090 data"leo mccarey (the awful truth)"
- 12100 data"frank capra (you can't take it with you)"
- 12110 data"victor flemming (gone with the wind)"
- 12120 data"john ford (the grapes of wrath)"
- 12130 data"john ford (how green was my valley)"
- 12140 data"william wyler (mrs. miniver)"
- 12150 data"michael curtiz (casablanca)"
- 12160 data"leo mccarey (going my way)"
- 12170 data"billy wilder (the lost weekend)"
- 12180 data"william wyler (best years of our lives)"
- 12190 data"elia kazan (gentlemen's agreement)"
- 12200 data"john huston (treasure of sierra madre)"
- 12210 data"joseph l. mankiewicz (a letter to three wives)"
- 12220 data"joseph l. mankiewicz (all about eve)"
- 12230 data"george stevens (a place in the sun)"
- 12240 data"john ford (the quiet man)"
- 12250 data"fred zinnemann (from here to eternity)"
- 12260 data"elia kazan (on the waterfront)"
- 12270 data"delbert mann (marty)"
- 12280 data"george stevens (giant)"
- 12290 data"david lean [160] (bridge on the river kwai)"
- 12300 data"vincente minnelli (gigi)"
- 12310 data"william wyler (ben-hur)"
- 12320 data"billy wilder (the apartment)"
- 12330 data"robert wise & jerome robbins (west side story)"
- 12340 data"david lean (lawrence of arabia)"
- 12350 data"tony richardson (tom jones)"
- 12360 data"george cukor (my fair lady)"
- 12370 data"robert wise (the sound of music)"
- 12380 data"fred zinnemann (a man for all seasons)"
- 12390 data"mike nichols (the graduate)"
- 12400 data"sir carol reed (oliver!)"
- 12410 data"john schlesinger (midnight cowboy)"
- 12420 data"franklin j. schaffner (patton)"
- 12430 data"william friedkin (the french connection)"
- 12440 data"bob fosse (cabaret)"
- 12450 data"george roy hill (the sting)"
- 12460 data"francis ford coppola (the godfather, part ii)"
- 12470 data"milos forman (one flew over the cuckoo's nest)"
- 12480 data"john g. avildsen (rocky)"
- 12490 data"woody allen (annie hall)"
- 12500 data"michael cimino (the deer hunter)"
- 12510 data"robert benton (kramer vs. kramer)"
- 12520 data"robert redford (ordinary people)"
- 12530 data"warren beatty (reds)"
- 12540 data"richard attenborough (ghandi)"
- 13000 data"emil jannings (the way of all flesh)"
- 13010 data"warner baxter (in old arizona)"
- 13020 data"george arliss (disraeli)"
- 13030 data"lionel barrymore (a free soul)"
- 13040 data"f. march (dr. jeckell & mr. hyde) & w. beery (the champ)"
- 13050 data"charles laughton (the private life of henry viii)"
- 13060 data"clark gable (it happened one night)"
- 13070 data"victor mclaglen (the informer)"
- 13080 data"paul muni (the story of louis pastuer)"
- 13090 data"spencer tracy (captains courageous)"
- 13100 data"spencer tracy (boys town)"
- 13110 data"robert donat (goodbye mr. chips)"
- 13120 data"james stewart (the philadelphia story)"
- 13130 data"gary cooper (sergeant york)"
- 13140 data"james cagney (yankee doodle dandy)"
- 13150 data"paul lukas (watch on the rhine)"
- 13160 data"bing crosby (going my way)"
- 13170 data"ray milland (the lost weekend)"
- 13180 data"fredric march (best years of our lives)"
- 13190 data"ronald coleman (a double life)"
- 13200 data"laurence olivier (hamlet)"
- 13210 data"broderick crawford (all the king's men)"
- 13220 data"jose ferrer (cyrano de bergerac)"
- 13230 data"humphrey bogart (the africian queen)"
- 13240 data"gary cooper (high noon)"
- 13250 data"william holden (stalag 17)"
- 13260 data"marlon brando (on the waterfront)"
- 13270 data"ernest borgnine (marty)"
- 13280 data"yul brynner (the king and i)"
- 13290 data"alec guinness (bridge on the river kwai)"
- 13300 data"david niven (separate tables)"
- 13310 data"charlton heston (ben-hur)"
- 13320 data"burt lancaster (elmer gantry)"
- 13330 data"maximillian schnell (judgement at nuremberg)"
- 13340 data"gregory peck (to kill a mockingbird)"
- 13350 data"sidney poitier (lilies of the field)"
- 13360 data"rex harrison (my fair lady)"
- 13370 data"lee marvin (cat ballou)"
- 13380 data"paul scofield (a man for all seasons)"
- 13390 data"rod steiger (in the heat of the night)"
- 13400 data"cliff robertson (charly)"
- 13410 data"john wayne (true grit)"
- 13420 data"george c. scott [160](patton)"
- 13430 data"gene hackman (the french connection)"
- 13440 data"marlon brando (the godfather)"
- 13450 data"jack lemmon (save the tiger)"
- 13460 data"art carney (harry & tonto)"
- 13470 data"jack nicholson (one flew over the cuckoo's nest)"
- 13480 data"peter finch (network)"
- 13490 data"richard dreyfuss (the goodbye girl)"
- 13500 data"jon voight (coming home)"
- 13510 data"dustin hoffman (kramer vs. kramer)"
- 13520 data"robert de niro (raging bull)"
- 13530 data"henry fonda (on golden pond)"
- 13540 data"ben kingsley (ghandi)"
- 14000 data"janet gaynor (seventh heaven)"
- 14010 data"mary pickford (coquette)"
- 14020 data"norma shearer (the divorcee)"
- 14030 data"maria dressler (min and bill)"
- 14040 data"helen hayes (sin of madelon claudet)"
- 14050 data"katherine hepburn (morning glory)"
- 14060 data"claudette colbert (it happened one night)"
- 14070 data"bette davis (dangerous)"
- 14080 data"lusie rainer (the great ziegfeld)"
- 14090 data"lusie rainer (the good earth)"
- 14100 data"bette davis (jezebel)"
- 14110 data"vivian leigh (gone with the wind)"
- 14120 data"ginger rogers (kitty foyle)"
- 14130 data"joan fontaine (suspicion)"
- 14140 data"greer garson (mrs. miniver)"
- 14150 data"jennifer jones (the song of bernadette)"
- 14160 data"ingrid bergman (gaslight)"
- 14170 data"joan crawford (mildred pierce)"
- 14180 data"olivia de havilland (to each his own)"
- 14190 data"loretta young (the farmer's daughter)"
- 14200 data"jane wyman (johnny belinda)"
- 14210 data"olivia de havilland (the heiress)"
- 14220 data"judy holliday (born yesterday)"
- 14230 data"vivian leigh (a streetcar named desire)"
- 14240 data"shirley booth (come back little sheba)"
- 14250 data"audrey hepburn (roman holiday)"
- 14260 data"grace kelly (the country girl)"
- 14270 data"anna magnani (the rose tattoo)"
- 14280 data"ingrid bergman (anastasia)"
- 14290 data"joanne woodward (the three faces of eve)"
- 14300 data"susan hayward (i want to live!)"
- 14310 data"simone signoret (room at the top)"
- 14320 data"elizabeth taylor (butterfield 8)"
- 14330 data"sophia loren (two women)"
- 14340 data"anne bancroft (the miracle worker)"
- 14350 data"patricia neal (hud)"
- 14360 data"julie andrews (mary poppins)"
- 14370 data"julie christie (darling)"
- 14380 data"elizabeth taylor (who's afraid of virginia wolf?)"
- 14390 data"katherine hepburn (guess who's coming to dinner)"
- 14400 data"k. hepburn (lion in winter)[160] & b. streisand (funny girl)"
- 14410 data"maggie smith (the prime of miss jean brodie)"
- 14420 data"glenda jackson (women in love)"
- 14430 data"jane fonda (klute)"
- 14440 data"liza minnelli (cabaret)"
- 14450 data"glenda jackson (a touch of class)"
- 14460 data"ellen burstyn (alice doesn't live here any more)"
- 14470 data"louise fletcher (one flew over the cuckoo's nest)"
- 14480 data"faye dunaway (network)"
- 14490 data"diane keaton (annie hall)"
- 14500 data"jane fonda (coming home)"
- 14510 data"sally field (norma rae)"
- 14520 data"sissy spacek (coal miner's daughter)"
- 14530 data"katherine hepburn (on golden pond)"
- 14540 data"meryl streep (sophie's choice)"
- 15000 data"-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"
- 15010 data"walter brennan (come and get it)"
- 15020 data"joseph schildkraut (the life of emile zola)"
- 15030 data"walter brennan (kentucky)"
- 15040 data"thomas mitchell (stagecoach)"
- 15050 data"walter brennan (the westerner)"
- 15060 data"donald crisp (how green was my valley)"
- 15070 data"van heflin (johnny eager)"
- 15080 data"charles coburn (the more the merrier)"
- 15090 data"barry fitzgerald (going my way)"
- 15100 data"james dunn (a tree grows in brooklyn)"
- 15110 data"harold russell (best years of our lives)"
- 15120 data"edmund gwenn (miracle on 34th street)"
- 15130 data"walter huston (treasure of sierra madre)"
- 15140 data"dean jagger (twelve o'clock high)"
- 15150 data"george saunders (all about eve)"
- 15160 data"karl malden (a streetcar named desire)"
- 15170 data"anthony quinn (viva zapata!)"
- 15180 data"frank sinatra (from here to eternity)"
- 15190 data"edmond o'brien (the barefoot contessa)"
- 15200 data"jack lemmon (mister roberts)"
- 15210 data"anthony quinn (lust for life)"
- 15220 data"red buttons (sayonara)"
- 15230 data"burl ives (the big country)"
- 15240 data"hugh griffith (ben-hur)"
- 15250 data"peter ustinov (spartacus)"
- 15260 data"george chakiris (west side[160]story)"
- 15270 data"ed begley (sweet bird of youth)"
- 15280 data"melvyn douglas (hud)"
- 15290 data"peter ustinov (topkapi)"
- 15300 data"martin balsam (a thousand clowns)"
- 15310 data"walter matthau (the fortune cookie)"
- 15320 data"george kennedy (cool hand luke)"
- 15330 data"jack albertson (the subject was roses)"
- 15340 data"gig young (they shoot horses don't they)"
- 15350 data"john mills (ryan's daughter)"
- 15360 data"ben johnson (the last picture show)"
- 15370 data"joel grey (cabaret)"
- 15380 data"john houseman (the paper chase)"
- 15390 data"robert de niro (the godfather, part ii)"
- 15400 data"george burns (the sunshine boys)"
- 15410 data"jason robards (all the president's men)"
- 15420 data"jason robards (julia)"
- 15430 data"christopher walken (the deer hunter)"
- 15440 data"melvyn douglas (being there)"
- 15450 data"timothy hutton (ordinary people)"
- 15460 data"john gielgud (arthur)"
- 15470 data"louis gossett jr. (an officer and a gentleman)"
- 16000 data"-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"
- 16010 data"gale sondergard (anthony adverse)"
- 16020 data"alice brady (in old chicago)"
- 16030 data"fay bainter (jezebel)"
- 16040 data"hattie mcdaniel (gone with the wind)"
- 16050 data"jane darwell (the grapes of wrath)"
- 16060 data"mary astor (the great lie)"
- 16070 data"teresa wright (mrs. miniver)"
- 16080 data"katina paxinou (for whom the bell tolls)"
- 16090 data"ethel barrymore (none but the loney heart)"
- 16100 data"anne revere (national velvet)"
- 16110 data"anne baxter (the razor's edge)"
- 16120 data"celeste holm (gentlemen's agreement)"
- 16130 data"claire trevor (key largo)"
- 16140 data"mercedes mccambridge (all the king's men)"
- 16150 data"josephine hull (harvey)"
- 16160 data"kim hunter (a streetcar named desire)"
- 16170 data"gloria grahame (the bad and the beautiful)"
- 16180 data"donna reed [160](from here to eternity)"
- 16190 data"eva marie saint (on the waterfront)"
- 16200 data"jo van fleet (east of eden)"
- 16210 data"dorothy malone (written on the wind)"
- 16220 data"miyoshi umeki (sayonara)"
- 16230 data"wendy miller (separate tables)"
- 16240 data"shelly winters (the diary of anne frank)"
- 16250 data"shirley jones (elmer gantry)"
- 16260 data"rita moreno (west side story)"
- 16270 data"patty dike (the miracle worker)"
- 16280 data"margaret rutherford (the v.i.p.'s)"
- 16290 data"lila kedrova (zorba the greek)"
- 16300 data"shelly winters (a patch of blue)"
- 16310 data"sandy dennis (who's afraid of virginia wolf?)"
- 16320 data"estelle parsons (bonnie and clyde)"
- 16330 data"ruth gordon (rosemary's baby)"
- 16340 data"goldie hawn (cactus flower)"
- 16350 data"helen hayes (airport)"
- 16360 data"cloris leachman (the last picture show)"
- 16370 data"eileen heckart (butterflies are free)"
- 16380 data"tatum o'neal (paper moon)"
- 16390 data"ingrid bergman (murder on the orient express)"
- 16400 data"lee grant (shampoo)"
- 16410 data"beatrice straight (network)"
- 16420 data"vanessa redgrave (julia)"
- 16430 data"maggie smith (california suite)"
- 16440 data"meryl streep (kramer vs. kramer)"
- 16450 data"mary steenburgen (melvin and howard)"
- 16460 data"maureen stapleton (reds)"
- 16470 data"jessica lange (tootsie)"
- 16480 data"movie","director","actor","actress","supporting actor"
- 16490 data"supporting actress"
- 63000 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63010 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end